Filing anything with the US government requires an identification number.  For companies, this is called an Employer Identification Number (EIN), or sometimes, a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN).  A company doesn’t have to have employees to have an Employer Identification Number - that’s just what the ID number is called.

The application for an EIN is Form SS-4.

If the company owner has a US Social Security Number, Form SS-4 can be submitted online.

If not, Form SS-4 must be faxed (yes, faxed) to the IRS to obtain an EIN.

Only a few pieces of information are required to file form Form SS-4:

  • Company information (name, address, date formed, etc.) populates Form SS-4 and submits it to you for your signature.  Once signed, faxes the form to the IRS and obtains your LLC’s EIN (usually within 4-6 weeks).

Your LLC’s EIN will then be used to file its Beneficial Ownership Information Report, as well as Form 5472 and Form 1120.

Learn about all statutory filings required for a Montana LLC here.